How does it actually work?

I come into the picture as soon as you have found a renter. From that moment on, I am the contact person between you and the renter. I am present for the key transfer, make sure that proper arrangements are made concerning who is responsible for what, can help with formal contract arrangements, respond to all questions from renters and solve problems. Examples of problems could include leaks, a lost key on the renter’s part, or something in the home that has broken or become defective. If there is a problem or malfunction, I will make sure that it is resolved quickly and with the necessary expertise. Naturally I will provide you with clear feedback and will request permission for larger investments. If you are leaving the country, you will therefore not have to ask friends or family to keep an eye on your property. You are also safe in the knowledge that your rent will be paid on time each month and that you won’t have to worry about a thing.

New renters
When the end of the rental period is in sight, it is also great to have a manager helping you out. I will report the property to the relevant rental (brokerage) agencies, will ensure that the deposit is returned and / or processed, and that the necessary maintenance has been carried out. My job is to ensure that the property looks good and appeals to new renters right away. I will therefore request quotations for paintwork, oversee and inspect maintenance work, arrange for new furniture - where necessary - in consultation with you, and will extend advice on how to get the highest returns on your rental property. I work with reliable, renowned maintenance providers.

What are the related costs?
I charge a fixed monthly amount for my services, calculated as a percentage of the rental amount.

Worthwhile tax benefit
Het beheer van uw woning(en) uit handen geven kan ook fiscaal interessant zijn. Uw belastingadviseur kan u daarover meer vertellen.

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